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Weird Copy/Paste Learning Tactic for Coding
~How I’ve decided to not memorize stuff even though I loooove memorizing stuff. Outline: 4 things I’ve been relying on to avoid wasting...
Benefit of the Doubt
"Well, what's wrong with them?" I know a lot of people who disagree on political things. Most of them I see as more knowledgeable, kind...
Menu Choices: Feeling Open or Closed
~ Try this...Think of a time you were very anxious about something. Remember that feeling as clearly as you can. Really hang out with...
I've oddly invested in food(1yr of protein powders)
"I Invested in about 400 days worth(50kg total) of Pea Protein and Organic Rice protein." 90% of my diet consists of smoothies(except...
Eating right can be amaaaazing
Optimizing my afternoon with my light early smoothie ~ So… I’ve been fiddling with my diet for quite some time and I have a very...
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